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  • Dr. J

Wildwood and the Mt Hood Railroad Parking Fiasco!

Hi Everyone -

As you may have noticed, the parking situation at Wildwood has gotten a bit tenuous. This is a direct result of an acrimonious negotiation with the Mount Hood Railroad. We've been trying to reach an amicable agreement with them for over a year (even offering to pay $1700 per month for very little use of the parking).

The short story is we have an easement to reach our property and the railroad is in complete violation of that easement. We are meeting with our attorney tonight to issue a cease and desist and begin court proceedings.

The latest ploy is to put ropes along either side of the entry. It's their property, but the issue is they have given us no reasonable turn-around access (again, we feel this is in complete violation of the easement).

So, until this is settled, you may want to have your kids walk up the trail to State Street or walk down to 1st and Cascade. You can certainly come into the school, it just might be tight turning around.

We do greatly apologize for this inconvenience.

If you feel this is absolutely ridiculous, please make your voices heard on social media (Mt. Hood Railroad has a large Facebook and Tripadvisor presence) and to others in town. Or, call or email Ron Kaufman (the general manager of Mt. Hood Railroad). He is the instigator of this entire mess. His email is and his direct line is 541.716.4449.

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