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The 6th-8th Grade Academic Experience

A Holistic Approach for Future-Ready Students

Learning to Learn 


The future is filled with questions.

Students want answers! 

Wildwood is here to help.


4 core classes and a long list of dynamic electives are just the start. It takes an approach that teaches hard and soft skills to empower students with the confidence to tackle any challenge they face. Combine that with a community of caring, ambitious students and educators and the future may look just a little brighter!

A Framework to Build
Curiosity, Confidence, Creativity, and Resilience 

Welcome to our Virtual  Explorer of
a week in the life of a Wildwood student!

Click through the slides below to explore each piece of a week at Wildwood.





Tuesday - Friday Classes

Click through the slides below to explore each piece of the Wildwood day.

Mindful Morning


A mindful start, teaching to the whole student... everyday!

A.M. Classes 


Individuals & Society

Language & Literature

P.M. Classes

Lab & Field Science

Physical & Health Education

Language Acquisition (Spanish)

Art & Design Electives

Quick Facts

Backed by Research: Studies show that students in an IB Middle Years Program, like Wildwood, have higher levels of critical thinking, and perform higher on math and reading assessments. 



Overnights, Multiday, 

Family or School Travel Study 

Keep Exploring!

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