Miss Lydia's bin is full and we want to make sure your student has their warm layers for the upcoming break.
This Friday, December 14th, all items in the bin will be displayed in the library so that students can retrieve their belongings. Please encourage your child to check for missing items as those not retrieved by Friday, December 21st will be donated.

The students have asked and we are happy to oblige!
Next Monday, December 17th, all students are encouraged to
throw an UGLY SWEATER - preferably holiday themed - over their Wildwood uniform! We will celebrate the silliest, gaudiest, and ugliest sweaters hiding in your closets. Please note, participation is NOT required and there is no need to spend money on this event...it's just for fun!

Lastly, it's time to celebrate our students and their hard work once again.
Please join us on Wednesday, December 19th at 5:30PM for the first annual 'Wildwood Winter'.
Students will present their work related to our Egyptian studies, entrepreneurship, art, music, and Spanish. Expect creative performances, academic presentations and displays, and an opportunity to connect with students and their families.